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Adler University
Arizona State university
babson College
bellarmine university
bethel university (MN)
baylor university
Carlow university
Clarkson University
college of saint scholastica
college of western idaho
dominican university
gardner Webb university
george washington university
gwynedd mercy university
hamline university
Illinois Institute of technology
kennebec valley community college
loras college
loyola university new orleans
Metropolitan state university
mgh institue of health professionals
Midway university
new jersey institute of technology
northwestern University
oral roberts univeristy
otis college of art and design
loyola university new orleans
st. catherine’s university (MN)
st. edward’s university
st. louis university
st. martin’s university
university of colorado
university of mary (ND)
university of north alabama
university of st thomas (TX)
Wisconsin lutheran university
“We increased our enrollment by 20% by just improving our processes. We didn’t have to invest in any new technology or hire any additional people. ”
“We’ve increased yield by more than 10% thanks to the admissions trainings conducted by the Workflows team. ”